Effective operations and maintenance (O&M) support the provision of services and bolster sustainable economic development. The following three strategies will enable a sustainable O&M environment for governments to deal with a burgeoning global demand for economic and social infrastructure.
Neglect of maintenance and asset resilience
Unnecessary user costs
Negative environmental and social externalities
Apply demand side management
Reduce downtime
Apply a customer-centric approach
Use smart technologies to enhance user experience and refine asset performance
Implement lean automated processes
Optimise procurement and outsourcing
Conceptualise and embed sustainability into routine operations
Enhance stakeholder communication and cooperation
Invest in preventative and predictive maintenance
Control excessive asset consumption and stress
Enhance disaster resilience
Prioritise life-cycle management approaches
Enhance efficiency of project delivery
Facilitates planned scheduled or unscheduled maintenance
Enables the notification of responsible teams with correct incident information
Helps reduce the risk of making decisions based on dissimilar data sets
Supports informed decision-making
Enables coordinated workforce execution
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